What makes a neighborhood special?

If you've ever uprooted your family (or been uprooted by your family!)... you understand the power that a new area can have on your day to day life.

It determines where you shop, the length of your commute, the kind of food you eat, and the prices you pay. It may mean you engage in different activities (like watching a game live rather than catching it on TV). It means looking out your kitchen window to a new landscape, meeting new neighbors and developing new relationships.

Moving to a brand new neighborhood is a commitment and a monumental change.

So naturally, we want to ask: how do we capitalize on a move like this? How do we know when we're choosing a truly GREAT neighborhood over one that's just so-so?

We analyzed several resources - including the Placemaking guide from the Project for Public Spaces and a valuable Forbes article - to bring you three KEY FACTORS for what makes your Denver neighborhood great!

Key Safety Factors

1. OPPORTUNITIES (particularly ones that promote sociability):

We talk a lot about job opportunities, but what about social opportunities? Do you have plentiful access to parks, community events, and places to socialize with your neighbors and the community in whole?


The main areas included in this category are: low crime rates, access to public transportation, distance from major medical facilities (like an urgent care or hospital), and even pride of ownership and community.


This is going to mean different things to differen people, but ultimately you want to ask yourself: does this area support the person I am and the things I love? If you absolutely LOVE wine, and you came from Napa Valley where you were exposed to beautiful wineries, you may be disappointed when you move to the center of Wyoming and don't have the same kind of access.

What does this mean for Denver, Colorado neighborhoods?

Every Denver neighborhood is a little unique. We’d love to give you a straight answer for the BEST Denver neighborhood to move into (we love Highlands Ranch and Littleton, though we’re a little partial!)… but unfortunately it doesn’t boil down that easy.

For example, Auraria ranks as the best Denver neighborhood to avoid residential burglary but it ranks very high for business burglary, auto theft, arson and general property crime; plus, it ranks among the worst 3 neighborhoods for more violent crimes like domestic violence, hit and run, DUI, etc.

Therefore, your best bet is to find a neighborhood that aligns with your lifestyle, and then check the 2019 Denver Crime Rankings here. Those who live in any big city will attest that of course, there is crime. But being vigilant and taking the typical precautions will help you steer clear of the vast majority of it.